Account #
 Customer # - Account #
 Due Date
 Account Status  Online Payment ID
 Automatic Bill Pay:
Online Payment

Customer #:
Account #:
Payment Method:
  Note: When you click the "Go" button, you will be redirected to a third party website in order to process your payment. Where you can click the "Close" or "Cancel" button in the page after you have made the payment or whenever you want to return to this page, and please do not close that window by click the "X" button at the top right corner.
Payments made after 5:00 pm will be credited the following business day.


City of Corona
Utilities Department


Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Customer Care:
(951) 736-2321

After-Hours Emergencies:
(951) 736-